Who Uses Democratic Rules of Order? We have had requests for examples of organizations that use Democratic Rules of Order so here is a partial list. In order to respect privacy, only publicly available information or composites are listed. Also be aware that most sales go through our distributor and Amazon.com. In both of those […]
Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Insist on Democracy

What drives my husband crazy? (Besides Roberto Luongo letting a weak one in the net?) Being interrupted. And rightfully so! Cutting off a flow of ideas is not just rude, it is undemocratic. As more of us live in closer quarters, it becomes more vital to respect each other’s voice, even when their ideas are […]
Talk to the Comox Valley Women’s Business Network

A talk to the Comox Valley Women’s Network by Joyce McMenamon, publisher at Cool Heads Publishing, on the origins of “Democratic Rules of Order”
The Little Book with a Big Message

Speaking in public can be an unsettling prospect for many people. Stomachs begin churning and beads of sweat start rolling – even at events like weddings, where the prospective speaker will be surrounded by sympathetic family and friends. So the prospect of actually chairing a board or even public meeting, keeping order during a heated […]
What’s So Great about Democracy?

Sir Winston Churchill is quoted as saying – “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” – Here are some reasons why.
A More Efficient, Official, Parliamentary Authority for Running Meetings

Meetings today don’t have to be governed by rules so complicated that very few members understand them. Democratic Rules of Order is a complete, easy-to-use parliamentary guide for governing meetings of any size, totally free of complex protocol and jargon. There is an urgent need in the world today for a better understanding of basic […]