About the Authors:
Fred and Peg Francis

Fred and Peg Francis have had decades of experience with meetings in school, college, community, and other associations, as members and officers. Peg taught in elementary schools and is an enthusiastic hobby painter. Fred taught mathematics in high school and college. They have lived in Victoria since 1950. They have four wonderful children and six equally wonderful grandchildren.

photo of Peg and Fred Francis, the authorsIn writing this book and other tasks Peg and Fred have been innovators, looking outside the box of conventional thinking, seeing a need, expecting to find a solution and persisting until they find and perfect it. Together they have designed valuable new products including a children’s building set called “Carpento”, an all metal, rodent-proof composter called “Speedibin“, and more than twenty different wood stoves and furnaces, some of which, at the time of being certified by the EPA, were the cleanest burning stoves ever tested in the lab. Manufacturers have sold thousands of these stoves which are saving tons of smoke pollution in North America and overseas every year.

This book has been a very satisfying project for Fred and Peg who see the urgent need for more justice and stronger democracies in our world. For a democracy to work successfully the populace itself must understand and want to obey the democratic principles. Citizens need practice in making the individual rights of each member and the rights of the majority work together. People using this book are practicing and learning these laws at the grass-roots level.

Fred Francis passed away in February of 2003. He is greatly missed. Peg and her children continue to operate and develop the Democratic Rules of Order business.

Order Information
Democratic Rules of Order cover
Fred Francis, Peg Francis Tenth edition, 2019 104pp, soft cover ISBN 978-0-86571-906-4 New Society Publishers
Ebook $14.30 ( CDN and USD )
Softcover $21.99 ( CDN and USD )